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The 50 best theatre shows of the 21st century

50 Three Kingdoms (2012) Few productions this century have divided opinion like Three Kingdoms. Simon Stephens’ detective yarn took audiences on a thrilling and disorientating trip across Europe, in a trilingual collaboration with German director Sebastian Nübling and Estonian designer Ene-Liis…

Liberal Democrat conference: Five things to look out for

The Liberal Democrats gather for their annual conference in Bournemouth on Saturday with a real spring in their step. The venue may be familiar - it's their third visit to the south coast in the past five years - but in every other respect things look rather different. The resurgent party has a new…

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5 Live listeners react to suspension of Parliament

The prime minister's decision to suspend Parliament has prompted an angry backlash from MPs and opponents of a no-deal Brexit. The government has said the five-week suspension in September and October will still allow time to debate Brexit. 5 Live Breakfast spoke to listeners from across the country…

Ferry route planned from Scotland to Netherlands

Image copyright DAvid Dixon Image caption A previous service from Rosyth ended last yearA Scottish shipping company is planning to start a daily ferry service linking Rosyth with the Netherlands. Operations would start around the time that Brexit is scheduled by the Westminster government. That…

Letters to the Editor

Our Columnists

John Drummond

John Drummond is an expert on business ethics and corporate responsibility. His published works include two books on business ethics: “It’s Good…

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Math Campbell-Sturgess

Math Campbell-Sturgess is a graphic designer & political activist. Born in England, Math served for 5 years as an SNP Councillor in Inverclyde,…

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Fraser Pettigrew

Fraser Pettigrew was born in 1963 in Glasgow and led an itinerant early childhood in the mining towns of central Scotland before gaining his secondary…

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Kevin Robertson

Kevin Robertson runs a private therapy practice in the West End of Edinburgh. Born and bred in the Capital, on graduation, he started his career in…

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Lindy Anne Barbour

Lindy Barbour is a psychotherapist and poet living in rural Lanarkshire. She teaches counselling and psychotherapy at the University of Edinburgh. She…

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Alan Bruce

Alan Donaldson-Bruce lives and works in the Kingdom of Fife, working in Environmental Health. He’s an ex-Boroughmuir boy having spent his formative…

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Gaius Gracchus

Gaius Gracchus is a pro-indy writer who believes power belongs to the people - and that independence is the only way Scots can live in a modern state…

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Will McLeod

Will McLeod is an independent journalist in the United States who writes about Scottish & American politics. His podcast can be found at…

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Gracchian. Once a potential polymath, but stymied by a permanent state of ennui and pervading sense of futility, chose instead to begin his working…

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